your data
We preserved

Privacy Policy
Terms and Conditions
At Autocoat, privacy and security are priorities and we are committed to transparent handling of user/customer personal data. Therefore, this Privacy Policy sets out how we collect, use and transfer information from customers or others who access or use our website. By using our services, you understand that we will collect and we will use your personal information in the ways described in this Policy, under the rules of the Federal Constitution of 1988 (Article 5, LXXIX; and Article 22, XXX - included by EC 115/2022), of the Data Protection rules (LGPD, Federal Law 13.709/2018), the consumer provisions of Federal Law 8078/1990 and other applicable Brazilian legal regulations. Our website collects and uses some of your personal data, such as email and telephone, in order to facilitate the provision of services and improve the user experience, especially with regard to contact to attend and provide services related to Autocoat's core business.
It is from your consent that we process your personal data. Consent is the free, informed and unequivocal expression by which you authorize AutoCoat to process your data. Thus, in accordance with the General Data Protection Law, your data will only be collected, processed and stored with prior and express consent. Your consent will be obtained in a specific way, evidencing Autocoat's commitment to transparency and good faith towards its users/customers, following the relevant legislative regulations. By providing your personal data, you are aware and consenting to the provisions of this Privacy Policy, in addition to knowing your rights and how to exercise them. At any time and at no cost, you can revoke your consent. It is important to note that the revocation of consent to the processing of data may imply r the impossibility of adequate performance of some functionality of the site that depends on the operation. Such consequences will be informed in advance.
To keep your personal information safe, we use physical, electronic and managerial tools aimed at protecting your privacy. We apply these tools taking into account the nature of the personal data collected, the context and purpose of the treatment and the risks that any violations would generate for the rights and freedoms of the data subject collected and processed. Among the measures we have adopted, we highlight the following: only authorized persons have access to your personal data; access to your personal data is made only after a commitment to confidentiality; Your personal data is stored in a safe and suitable environment. Autocoat uses cookies, which are text files sent by the platform to your computer and stored there, which contain information related to site navigation. In short, cookies are used to improve the user experience.
The visitor will be able to access the entire content of the website, such as articles, videos, images, products and services, not implying any type of assignment of rights or permission to use, or copying them. All the rights are preserved, in accordance with Brazilian legislation, mainly in the Copyright Law regulated by Law No. 9,610/18, as well as the Brazilian Civil Code. All the content of the site is protected by copyright, and its use, copy, transmission, sale, assignment or resale, must follow the Brazilian law, having Autocoat all its rights reserved, and not allowing the copy or use of in any way and means, without the express written authorization of the same.